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6 ways to improve your mood when you are feeling down

It’s okay to not feel okay, and let’s face it, sometimes no matter why we are simply in a wretched mood. It could be as simple as the alarm clock not going off or much more complicated than that. In the current climate we have all felt frustrated, scared, weary and lonely at the best of times, and sometimes it can all get too much.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We have put together a list of six things that help us improve our mood when we are feeling down. We hope these help you too!

1. Take time to embrace your feelings

First and foremost, if you’re feeling down take time to embrace it instead of bottling it up! If you feel like crying or screaming, just do it! Embrace your feelings and let it all out, whether it is being upset at someone or just feeling hangry (i.e. angry from hunger). You’ll feel lighter and able to move forwards instead of having the anger or sadness tugging at your mind and feelings. 

2. Move and stay active

Whether it is going for a run, cycling, doing some yoga, baking or painting or whatever keeps your mind off things, doing something and physically moving can help! Even if it is popping to the shop for a couple of minutes to take fresh air and go the long way back. 10 minutes can make a huge difference in your mood, trust us on this one!   

3. Speak with someone

Keep in touch with your close ones. It is easy to feel you can carry any burden on your own, but talking to your partner, friend, family and housemates (even your pet!) will help bring you some joy and a few laughs. Plus, it is a good way to get out of your head. Talk about your day, mention how you are feeling and listen to their stories too. You’ll find that a lot of people are just a call or text away and eager to help – in fact, they might be in the same situation as you!

If you are really struggling to cope do reach out to Samaritans or text Shout! They are available 24/7 if you need to talk. You matter. 

4. Change your space

As we continue to stay at home, it is easy to forget how the environment impacts your energy. Remember to separate your working space from your living space. You do not want to be spending all day in the same spot. Assign spaces to tasks and you will not only be more productive but can help you unplug when the day is over. For example, if you are working on the dining table, maybe try having dinner on the sofa today. 

5. Surround yourself with happiness

Your environment has a huge impact in the way you feel day in, day out. Feeling down? Take a break to watch a funny film/tv show, or turn the volume up and listen to upbeat music! Bring some colour into your room, flat or house - plants are a great way to brighten up the room. You can pick one up from the garden centre or even a herb plant from the supermarket next time you are out. Cherish and nurture your space, and make yourself a happy den!


6. Try and eat healthy

You know that bit about surrounding yourself with happiness? Make sure you eat it too. After all, happiness starts from within! Try and eat a healthy, colourful diet. If you are used to takeaway or ready meals start by trying to include some fresh food items in your diet. As they say, eat the rainbow! And no, not the sugary one. We meant different coloured veggies, fruits, etc. 

Tip: and stay away from depressants such as alcohol, drugs or cigarettes as they can easily affect your mood!

Go on, give these a try and we promise you that you will feel a little better and brighter!

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