Embracing the Year of the Snake with Yoga

As the Chinese New Year nears, we like to take some inspiration into our yoga practice. In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Snake is often associated with wisdom, intuition, and transformation. Just as the snake sheds its skin, we too can embrace change and renewal in our lives. This year invites us to tap into our inner wisdom, trust our instincts, and navigate our paths with clarity and grace.

Chinese culture emphasises the interconnectedness of all things, the importance of balance (Yin and Yang), and the flow of energy (Qi). We’ve put together the below yoga sequence, which will incorporate elements that reflect these values, allowing you to cultivate inner peace and vitality as you welcome the new year.

The Essence of the Snake in Yoga

The snake is a powerful symbol in many cultures, often representing rebirth and renewal. In this sequence, we’ll incorporate poses that encourage flexibility, strength, and mindfulness, aligning our physical practice with the transformative energy of the Year of the Snake.

Warm-Up: Grounding and Centering

1. Seated Meditation (5 minutes)

Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take deep, cleansing breaths. Visualise the energy of the snake and dragon flowing through you, bringing clarity and focus as you set your intentions for the year.

2. Neck Rolls (1 minute)

Gently roll your head in circular motions, releasing any tension in the neck and shoulders.

3. Cat-Cow Pose (2 minutes)

Transition to a tabletop position. Inhale into Cow Pose, arching your back, and exhale into Cat Pose, rounding your spine. Repeat several times, allowing your spine to move fluidly like a snake.

Flow Sequence: Embracing Flexibility and Strength

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana) (1 minute)

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Ground your feet and reach your arms overhead, connecting with your breath and feeling your strength.

2. Dragon Warrior Pose (Warrior II Variation) (2 minutes)

From a standing position, step one foot back into a lunge. Bend the front knee while keeping the back leg straight. Extend your arms out to the sides, embodying the strength of a dragon. Hold for 1 minute on each side.

3. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) (1 minute)

Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, and gently lift your chest. Open your heart and breathe deeply, embodying the snake’s ability to rise and thrive.

4. Dragon's Breath Pose (Ujjayi Pranayama) (2 minutes)

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale through your throat, creating a soft sound like the whisper of a dragon. Repeat for several breaths, connecting breath to the energy of transformation.

Closing Sequence: Reflection and Renewal

1. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) (2 minutes)

Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Inhale to lengthen your spine, and exhale as you fold forward, reaching for your feet. Allow yourself to let go of any tension as you relax into the stretch.

2. Supine Twist (2 minutes)

Lie on your back and draw your knees to your chest. Let them fall to one side while extending your arms out in a T-shape. Breathe deeply and switch sides after 1 minute.

3. Final Relaxation (Savasana) (5 minutes)

Lie flat on your back, arms resting at your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and take this time to integrate your practice, reflecting on your intentions for the Year of the Snake.

As you complete this sequence, take a moment to express gratitude for the journey you’ve had and the new beginnings that lie ahead. Embrace the spirit of the Chinese New Year with an open heart and a renewed sense of purpose.

May this year bring you joy, balance, and a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you. Happy New Year - Kun Hei Fat Choy! 

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