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3 HIIT circuits to blast fat and build strength

Our HIIT series is back with 3 new circuits to try! HIIT is a very flexible workout and can be completed on a number of cardio machines such as:

  • Spin / watt bike

  • Cross-trainer

  • Rower

  • Treadmill (or running outdoors)

If you're not heading to the gym, they can also be done on your mat without equipment through exercises such as:

  • Burpees

  • Tuck jump

  • High-knee running on the spot

  • Lunge jumps


We recommend doing 1 of the routines below, 2 to 3 times per week if your routine allows. There are a number apps you can download to program in your chosen routine, it will then time you and tell you when to switch between rest and work. Search 'HIIT timer' on your app store to see what's available.

Be sure to warm-up and stretch properly before you begin; finish with a stretch.


30 seconds on, 30 seconds off

This is a great, simple routine - each set comprises high-intensity for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. We recommend doing 20 sets for a total of 20 minutes.

If this is too easy, increase the length of the 'work' and decrease the rest time by an equal amount, keeping each set at 1 minute long. Likewise, if this is too hard, reduce the work time and increase the rest: make 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest your target to work towards.

Pyramid sets

Throughout this routine your rest periods are fixed at 30 seconds but your work periods increase by 10 seconds each time, from 10 seconds up to 60 seconds. Then reduce from 60 seconds by 10 seconds each time:

10s work, 30s rest

20s work, 30s rest, 

30s work, 30s rest

40s work, 30s rest

50s work, 30s rest

60s work, 30s rest

50s work, 30s rest

40s work, 30s rest

30s work, 30s rest

20s work, 30s rest

10s work.


Going through this set once will take 11 minutes, so we recommend doing 2 sets bringing the total workout time to 22 minutes.

Super-high intensity for 15 seconds

In all the routines presented in this article you should be pushing yourself at your max, while still being able to finish the routine. For this third and final routine, we shorten the 'work' period and lengthen the rests, allowing us to work at a much higher-intensity; this causes higher spikes in heart-rate promoting fat burn.

Similar to the first routine, each set is 1 minute long: 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest. Complete 20 sets bringing the whole routine to a total length of 20 minutes.



The human body is very good at adapting to the loads exerted on it so we should switch up our workouts regularly to maximise the effect of our workouts. For this reason, we recommend rotating between the 3 routines and also changing the machine or exercise used on a regular basis. It can also work to change the machine or exercise halfway through a routine - get creative and push your limits.


Go forth and sweat!

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