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5 ways to stay productive during a heatwave

It is hot right now. And, whilst we would all love to be on an exotic island until further notice, the reality is that many of us are not on holiday (boo!) but probably stuck at home or in an office working and dealing with the heat - unless you are lucky enough to have aircon.

Heat can negatively affect our working day, mentally and physically taking a toll on us: from making it harder to concentrate (blame those daydreams!) to heat exhaustion and dehydration.

If the sweltering weather is taking away from your focus and productivity during working hours, the good news is that we’ve got you covered! Here are some ideas on how to stay productive on a heatwave:

1. Stay hydrated

Sounds pretty obvious, but our bodies are 60% water so staying on top of your water intake is crucial in hotter temperatures. Low water intake during the day can result in lower brain functions, and dehydration can even lead to anxiety and depression. We found the easiest way to stay on top of it is to fill your water glass or bottle the moment you finish it, that way you always have water available and no excuse not to drink it.

2. Exercise when it is coolest

Exercise is great for our mental health and our productivity, it boosts your energy levels and can help you be more alert and focused during the day. However, when the temperatures are high, it might be best to avoid that lunchtime run and swap it for an early morning or evening walk. Not only will you be more comfortable with the cooler temperatures, but also it is a great option to keep up with your activity levels whilst avoiding the extreme heat. Not feel up for a run? You can always change it for a cycle or a low impact workout at home.

3. Find ways to stay cool

This is an obvious one but the goal should be to try to maintain your environment as cool as possible, so if you have a fan you can use it in the room and start it beforehand. Try to stay away from windows, and if you have blinds close them to avoid the heat coming in, yes, you might miss the view but your office space will be much cooler for it. Another idea is to have a lukewarm shower first thing in the morning or at lunchtime, you will really appreciate those! If you are lucky to have access to a body of water you can access, like a pool, the sea, or a river, take advantage of them and go for a dip during the day!

Think about your clothing too: there is nothing worse than feeling hot, sticky and uncomfortable, so if you can, plan your wardrobe to include breathable fabrics. do! Cotton and linen are great options that can help keep you cool during the day, and avoid polyester based clothes if you can.

4. Schedule a 5 minute break every hour

When it’s hot, it is easier to get frustrated or bored quicker, so in order to stay on top of things, we find a little break every hour can do wonders for you. Stretch your legs, get a little fresh air or have a look at your phone, any of these can help break up your working hours and help you come back to your to-do list with a clearer mind. 

5. Try to include more moisture filled foods in your diet

You are what you eat! Let’s face it, who wants to even worry about cooking lunch or dinner in this heat? Yet, we still have to feed ourselves, so look for options that can help you stay cool: tomatoes, mushrooms, and lettuce are some of the many vegetables that contain high quantities of water; fruits like melon and berries are also great options. Not only will they help you stay hydrated, but they can also help boost your productivity, as they are sources of vitamins and minerals that can reduce tiredness and release energy from the food you eat.

Try and avoid foods high in sugar or highly processed ones as our bodies use a lot of water to metabolise them and can also make you feel sluggish throughout the day.

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