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The Power of Restorative Yoga: Relax, Restore and Renew

As winter finally begins to draw to a close and we eagerly await the blooming of spring, there's no better time to embrace the renewing power of restorative yoga. Like a cosy blanket for the body and soul, restorative yoga offers a sanctuary of deep relaxation and renewal - perfect for a little energy shake up ahead of the new season! 

In this blog post, we'll introduce restorative yoga and how it can help you find balance, release tension, and nurture your well-being.

What is restorative yoga? 

There are several different kinds of yoga, from bikram to ashtanga and hatha to iyengar. Restorative yoga is a gentle form of yoga that focuses on, as its name describes, restoring our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, through slow movements and poses held by longer duration than normal with the aid of props (5-20 mins).

The main focus is to passively stretch and focus on your breathing, relaxing your body in order to also relax your mind. Because your body is supported by props as opposed to your muscles, it is an entirely different experience to traditional yoga.  

So what are the benefits of restorative yoga?

1. Cultivating Mindfulness and Presence:

In our hectic daily lives, it's easy to become disconnected from the present moment. Restorative yoga serves as an invitation to come home to yourself and cultivate mindfulness. As you settle onto your mat, focus your attention on the sensations of each breath, the gentle rise and fall of your body, and the subtle shifts in energy. By embracing the present moment, you'll deepen your connection with yourself and experience a profound sense of calm and inner peace.

2. Healing the Nervous System:

Restorative yoga has a soothing effect on the nervous system, allowing the body to shift from the stress response to the relaxation response. As you recline on your mat, supported by props, your body receives signals of safety and comfort, activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This shift promotes healing, balances energy, and supports overall well-being.

3. Nurturing Self-Care Rituals:

Restorative yoga offers a beautiful opportunity for self-care rituals. As you carve out time for yourself on the mat, you send a powerful message of self-love and care of your wellbeing. Create a sacred space, light candles, play soft music, or incorporate essential oils to enhance the soothing ambiance of your practice. Let your yoga mat become a sanctuary where you can nurture and honour yourself fully.

4. Embracing the Props:

Known for its creative use of props, your yoga mat becomes the foundation for this prop-supported practice. Bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps become your allies as they cradle and support your body in each pose of restorative yoga. By using these props mindfully, you'll experience a sense of security and comfort that allows for complete surrender and a profound sense of relaxation.

5. The Art of Letting Go:

Restorative yoga invites us to surrender to stillness and release the accumulated stress and tension within. Supported by a comfortable yoga mat, you’ll gently ease into a series of nurturing poses that allow the body to soften, the mind to quieten, and the breath to deepen. Some examples of these poses are: fish pose, legs-up-the-wall, supported bridge pose, and child’s pose. As we let go of the need to strive and achieve, we create space for true relaxation and restoration to occur.

As winter transitions into spring, take the time to embrace the transformative power of restorative yoga on your mat. Through the art of letting go, the support of props, cultivating mindfulness, and healing the nervous system, you'll discover a profound sense of relaxation, restoration, and renewal. 

So why not unroll your mat, surrender to the gentle embrace of restorative yoga, and allow yourself to be replenished from within. Embrace the gift of self-care and the healing journey that unfolds on your mat.

As always, please make sure to practise first with a professional if new to yoga or if suffering from any injuries or underlying conditions, that you check with a medical practitioner at all times. 

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