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Elevate Your Savasana: 5 Relaxing Ways to Enhance Your Resting Pose

Savasana, or Corpse Pose, is considered one of the most important poses in yoga. And, while it may appear simple, this resting position can set the tone for your day or evening post-practice, and can provide profound benefits for the body and mind. Nevertheless, many practitioners overlook its potential, sometimes treating it as a mere conclusion to their practice and even cutting it out altogether. In this blog post, we’ll explore five relaxing rituals to help you elevate your Savasana, making it a truly restorative experience.

The importance of Savasana

Firstly, it is important to understand why savasana is key, and why enhancing your experience might be something you would want to do. 

Savasana, in Sanskrit, means “corpse pose” and while slightly gory sounding, it translates into being the final resting pose at the end of a practice. Lying on our backs, limbs stretched out, eyes closed, and ideally, fully relaxed we enter a meditative state at the end of our practice that can carry us through to the rest of the day. 

The benefits of the pose are many, but we’ve tried to sum them up in five points:

  • Integration of Practice: Savasana helps consolidate the benefits of the preceding asanas, allowing the body and mind to absorb the practice.

  • Deep Relaxation: It promotes profound relaxation, reducing stress and calming the nervous system.

  • Mindfulness and Presence: This pose encourages mindfulness, fostering a deeper connection to oneself by observing thoughts and sensations. This is especially true as it seems to be a moment where our mind is most alive, particularly after spending the previous 30min+ focusing on alignment/breathing/balance requirements of other asanas.

  • Restoration and Recovery: Savasana allows the body to recover from physical exertion, improving circulation and restoring balance.

  • Foundation for Meditation: It prepares the mind for deeper meditation, creating a space for stillness and introspection.

So why is it important to enhance this experience? Quite simply, because the more enjoyable the experience, the more you will want to do it and the more you can delve into the pose. Here are five ways in which you can boost your savasana. 

1. Choose the Right Yoga Mat

The foundation of a good Savasana, and a good overall practice, begins with your yoga mat. A comfortable mat can make all the difference:

  • Cushioning: Look for a mat that offers sufficient cushioning to support your joints. A thicker mat can provide extra comfort, especially during longer holds in Savasana.

  • Non-Slip Surface: Ensure your mat has a non-slip surface to keep you securely positioned, allowing you to fully relax without worrying about slipping. Whether it is ultra-grippy from the word go, or something that becomes grippier the more you move through your practice, it is really a personal choice. 

  • Right size: If you are a taller yogi, opting for an extra-long mat can make a huge difference in comfort, as it ensures your feet and head can both fit on the mat. Equally, if you like to spread out a little during savasana, a round mat can add that extra space around you to make your resting pose more enjoyable. Make your mat fit to your needs, and not the other way around.

2. Create a Comfortable Space

The environment plays a significant role in how we feel during Savasana. Take a moment to set up your space beyond the mat:

  • Use Props: Enhance comfort further by using props such as bolsters, blankets, or pillows. Placing a bolster under your knees can relieve lower back tension, while a blanket over you provides warmth.

  • Dim the Lights: If possible, lower the lights or use candles to create a calming atmosphere that will encourage relaxation.

  • Add Scents: Consider using essential oils or incense to engage your sense of smell. Lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood can promote relaxation; while peppermint and ylang ylang can stimulate focus.

3. Focus on Your Breath

Breath is a powerful tool for relaxation and grounding. As you settle into Savasana, pay attention to your breathing:

  • Deep Breaths: Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to rise, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this for several cycles to calm your nervous system.

  • Count Your Breaths: Consider counting your breaths—inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and exhale for a count of six. This practice helps focus the mind and promotes deeper relaxation.

4. Practice Guided Visualisation

Guided visualisation can enhance your Savasana experience by creating a mental escape:

  • Imagery: As you lie in Savasana, visualise a peaceful scene—perhaps a serene beach, a tranquil forest, or a cosy cabin in the mountains. 

  • Engage Your Senses: Imagine the sounds, scents, and sensations of this place. This can help transport your mind away from distractions and deepen your sense of calm.

5. Incorporate Gentle Music or Sounds

Music can significantly influence our emotional state and help facilitate relaxation:

  • Calming Sounds: Play soft, soothing music or nature sounds during Savasana. Consider using playlists designed for yoga or meditation that feature gentle melodies or ambient sounds.

  • Mindfulness Bells: Alternatively, you can use mindfulness bells or chimes to mark the beginning and end of your Savasana, bringing your awareness back gently.

Savasana is more than just a break; it’s a vital part of your yoga practice that allows you to integrate the benefits of your efforts. By incorporating these five relaxing additions —choosing the right yoga mat, creating a comfortable space, focusing on your breath, practising guided visualisation, and using calming sounds—you can elevate your Savasana into a truly restorative experience. Embrace the stillness, allow yourself to relax, and let the benefits of your practice wash over you. Your body and mind will thank you!

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