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Tips for a more sustainable winter

It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but at least in the northern hemisphere, it is also the coldest! And whilst this festive season we’re bound to be very busy, it is going to be quite expensive too. Think about it, all the parties, all the gifts and get-togethers, and as energy bills increase and inflation rises, we undoubtedly are looking at the next few months feeling a little more stretched than normal.

With this in mind, we have put together a few tips to not only make your winter more sustainable but also hopefully save you a bit of money too - without taking away from the little luxuries you’d want over this period. 

Eat seasonally and save your scraps! 

Food waste is a huge problem, both for the environment and for our wallets. Did you know that over ⅓ of food produced globally goes to waste? Decomposing food produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Plus, you are also losing the money you spent on the food that went to waste, in fact, the average UK household throws away about £60 worth of food a month.

Good news is that you can reduce your own food waste dramatically by planning ahead. For example, by going to the grocery store with an idea of what you are going to cook when, you can ensure that you buy what you need and leave less to chance.

Bought too much? Just make extras and freeze the leftovers for a rainy day, or save them for the next day’s lunch. In fact, bulk cooking is a good way of saving money on energy too as generally you’ll be using less electricity or gas to warm up leftovers than to cook a whole new meal. 

Consider purchasing seasonal and local produce that will probably last longer and are healthier due to their freshness, plus they will most likely be a little cheaper than other options coming from abroad. 

Even the food scraps can be useful! For example, by saving all the skins and ends of vegetables in the freezer along with some leftover bones you can make some delicious broths to cook with! Perfect for this cold season and adding a little extra oomph to recipes. 

Rent your outfit, go second-hand or repair an old gown

There is so much pressure to shop and look our best during the festive season, with so many events and sales going on, understandably we all want some new pieces to add to our wardrobe. But with fashion waste wrecking havoc to our environment and our wallets, is it worth it in the long term?

Enter wardrobe rentals. Luckily for us, there is no longer a need to buy clothes when you can rent outfits! It makes sense really, why spend a lot of money on an outfit that you will wear very little? You can lower your expenditure this season by simply renting out items for specific events. Have a look at platforms such as Hurr, Cocoon or By Rotation, amongst others.

Alternatively, one man’s trash might be another one’s treasure! Pre-loved fashion is also having a moment. It is more sustainable than buying new clothes, and also more affordable! And, you can find some amazing pieces of clothing whilst helping a charity close to your heart. 

Got any nice clothes you don’t use anymore or as often? Think about renting them out, selling them or even donating them to your local charity shop. You might be able to make some money from them, and allow your clothes to continue their lifespan whilst being enjoyed by someone else. Finally, you might also be surprised how easy it is to mend certain items, even high street shops are starting their own repair shops. Give your loved clothes a new lease on life by mending them and enjoying them to their full potential. 

And if you do find something completely new you want to buy for yourself? Make sure it is something you can wear for the years to come. The planet and your wallet will thank you! 

Keep the heat in and save it

Heating up our homes will be more expensive this winter, but there are some ways to make it slightly more manageable. For example, turning your thermostat down one degree, or putting it on a timer can really help make a difference. Your house will warm up as the day goes on, this is because temperatures rise during the day but also you are more active around the house then too. So just by heating your house in the early morning and evening, you will be able to save a little on that energy bill. This is also true if you are not home during the day, no need to heat it up if the house is empty! 

Think about exercising at home too. By doing a home workout, you are bound to not only warm your body up by also the room you are in. Home workouts are very good for when you are running low on time and really it is two birds one stone. Granted, this won’t necessarily warm up your house, or even a room for long, but by raising your body temperature and the room’s for a little bit, you are using less energy.

Think about ways you can save energy by keeping your house warm. Close doors to avoid heat escaping warm rooms, save hot boiled water in insulated thermos (the kettle can be a big energy hoarder), and consider closing the blinds to keep the warmth in - hot water bottles are also great for bedtime!  

Reusable mugs for those coffee runs

There is nothing more lovely than a warm cup of coffee on the way to the office or the perfect break treat than a latte after lunch. But why not bring your reusable cup with you?

Firstly, it is a great way to help the environment. Yes, most coffee shops do provide you with recyclable cups, but not many people actually recycle them, going straight into the normal bins. Even if they are cardboard, you have to wonder how many natural resources are going to waste on a single use cup.

Also, some coffee places will give you a discount on your coffee if you use your reusable cup instead of their paper cups. Why not ask your local coffee shop next time you swing by?

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