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Living the swe(a)t life? Here is your guide to sweating efficiently

Nothing like a good sweaty session to feel that we have aced our workout right? Usually sweat is taken as a good sign that we've trained hard, alongside being out of breath, muscle fatigue and a higher heart rate. 


In fact, sweat plays an important factor in body temperature regulation - it is your body’s way of cooling you down if your body temperature rises. This is exactly what is required when you finish off a HIIT workout! But sweat also uses our water reserves, which can lead to dehydration and a series of issues. So, how can we ensure that we are sweating in the most efficient way? 


Follow these tips to make sure you are sweating right!


Drink lots of water!

We all know the importance of drinking water, before, during and after our workouts, and the rest of the time! By drinking the right amount of water, you allow your body to sweat efficiently during your workout. Water also replaces the fluid we lose during our workout, keeping us hydrated, energised and allowing us to perform better. 

There are several reusable water bottles out there with measurements to keep you aware of your hydration level as well as mobile apps that help you track your water intake.

Cool down before taking your post-workout shower

If you jump straight into a warm shower after your workout, you often find that you carry on sweating even after you've showered. To allow your body to cool down efficiently, wait until your core temperature has been regulated back to normal before washing away your sweat and you're good to go! However, a cold shower can be helpful and will help you return to normal temperature faster


Don't dry your sweat before it evaporates

Sweat is our body's natural method of cooling, but it only works when you allow your sweat to evaporate naturally. When you wipe your sweat away, you prevent the cooling from happening and your body is forced to produce more sweat in order to stop you from overheating. So try to let your sweat evaporate naturally and don't wipe it away. You do need to wipe it from your mat, weights and machine though (and probably if it gets in your eyes)!


Wear the right kit

Gym clothes come in all shapes, styles and fabrics. To help your body, choose clothes that are breathable and allow your sweat to evaporate easily. Sweat-wicking fabrics are particularly good at allowing our sweat to evaporate from our bodies naturally, keeping us cool. However, cotton does not allow sweat to pass through it so try to avoid clothing made of this material where possible.


Go forth and SWEAT!

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