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How to Truly Wind Down and Make Time/Space to Focus on Yourself?

Whether you work in an office, work as a freelancer, or raise kids from home, there comes a time when it all becomes too much. No matter how strong you are as a person, stress will affect your nervous system, mental health, and physical wellbeing if you let it. 

We all need to unwind from time to time and devote a day or two solely to ourselves. No one will blame you for it. But how can you unwind and destress with so much happening in your life all at once? What are the advantages of taking things down a notch and reflecting on yourself so that you can keep going? Let’s get into it and see how relaxation and self-focus can help you be a better “you”.

Perks of Unwinding and Focusing on Yourself for a Little While

You may be a workaholic or someone who’s busy all week long and doesn’t want to relax. However, being tense, stressed, and anxious 24/7 will have pretty detrimental effects on your wellbeing. You can only go on for so long before your body and mind start showing signs of fatigue brought on by overworking yourself. 

There are plenty of valid reasons to unplug and turn to yourself every once in a while. Here are only some of the reasons you should do so sooner rather than later:

  • Normalized breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate

  • Better digestion and sleeping cycles

  • Less tense muscles and mitigated chronic muscle pain

  • Improved general health and better disease immunity

  • Improved mood and a more positive outlook on life

Explore New and Relaxing Hobbies

When relaxing hobbies are in question, there are a plethora of choices for you to consider. You can start collecting stamps, coins, or other small memorabilia into sets based on their origin or value. Depending on what type of work you do, your hobby should help you relax and unwind from it, be it physically or mentally.

You can also start jogging, cycling, or exercising at home in a matter of minutes. Getting a reliable and comfortable yoga mat from Form can make the prospect of exercising at home that much more enjoyable. Finding a fulfilling hobby will make it easier for you to unwind after a long day or a week. You will be re-energized and ready for new personal and professional goals, and your newfound hobby will always be there in the background. 

Book a Vacation Somewhere Abroad (or Locally!) for Yourself

Sometimes, all you need is to go someplace new for a change of pace. Start planning a holiday vacation abroad and stick to it when the time comes. If you start planning early, you will be able to spend a fraction of the money you’d otherwise pay for flight and accommodation. 

Alternatively, and in case of emergency, cheap flight providers such as Ryanair are readily available. You could be halfway across the globe by the day after tomorrow if push comes to shove and you need to unwind ASAP. If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Scotland, Greece, or Russia, use that drive to book something abroad and treat yourself.

Even if time off is a bit scarce, why not just go away for the day? Take the train somewhere you’ve always wanted to go but never have because it has always been nearby (so it is not going anywhere right?). You can drive out of the city for a few hours, or book a little staycation by going to a hotel for a meal or the spa. 

Decide on a Chill Day Once a Week and Stick to It

Working seven days a week isn’t sustainable, no matter how young or energetic you are right now. We are all hurting for more money in our bank accounts but overworking yourself isn’t a solution. Instead of driving yourself into exhaustion, set a day in the week for relaxation. 

Whether it’s Wednesday or Saturday doesn’t matter as long as you follow your own rules. Once that day comes, you won’t work and only spend time doing what makes you happy. Play video games, exercise, read, or even go out to a nice coffee shop or a restaurant. Your body and mind will be grateful to you for sticking to a chill day routine and you will have much more energy moving forward.

Pick up Journaling as a Means to Wind Down

Another neat idea that could help you relax every once in a while, is to pick up journaling. Writing about your day, your experiences, and your emotions is a wonderful mental vent for most people. All you need is a notebook and some pens to start with. 

Don’t push yourself too hard and start by jotting down notes as if you were planning a bigger writing assignment. Once your journaling takes off, you can use different notebooks for different moods or times of the year, whatever works for you. Try to write by hand before you decide to journal on a smart device instead – writing is more personal and emotional that way.

Learn to Say No to Certain Things

Your friends, family, and acquaintances might ask you out every once in a while, but learn to say “no” to them. There will always be social events such as birthdays, celebrations, and get-togethers to attend. However, if you’re exhausted and hurting, you don’t need to go anywhere. 

Don’t explain yourself to anyone and simply thank them for their invitation, but you’re passing on it this time. It’s also a great idea to distance yourself from social media and unnecessary exposure to news and trending gossip. This will put your mind at ease and let you think of yourself a little more. While there are positives to social media platforms, they can also be tiring and in the end – unrewarding to use. Learn to say “no”, and your life will start to turn for the better.

Read a Book or Three – Preferably Outdoors

If you’re not a habitual reader, picking up a paperback might be challenging. You don’t need to read anything from a particular genre or author – just pick up a book. Whether you’re into romance, sci-fi, or autobiographies, reading can help your mind unwind and recharge its batteries. 

You can create reading goals and then track them daily to build your persistence as a person. Reading can also inspire you to try writing your own stories and diary entries as we’ve previously discussed. Pick up a book and go somewhere relaxing to read it, whether that’s your favorite coffee shop, park, or your front porch. Spend as much time outdoors as you can and your books will help you pass the time outside much faster.

Winding Down and Getting Back Up Again

Even if you work for a few hours a day, going at it for a long time without relaxation can be detrimental to your wellbeing. Find ways to vent and rejuvenate your energy in a way only you know. 

No one can tell you to start exercising or going abroad more often if that’s not what you’re into. Some people simply need a book to read or a new project and their energy reserves will skyrocket. Look for a way to wind down, because when you get back up again, you will become that much better “you” as a result.

Jessica Fender is a researcher and academic content creator. Her job is to facilitate student learning – she creates educational content that aligns with search queries “write my essay” and “hire writer”. When Jessica has free time, she enjoys reading, blogging, and hiking.

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