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Workout tips to make exercising in winter easy

It is cold, it is dark, and frankly some of us would rather spend the evening staying home all wrapped up. However, if you are reading this, there is a chance that you are focused on your health and wellbeing, and want to really find ways to keep up your workout routine. After all, there is no better way to beat the winter blues than exercising! That is because beyond benefiting your body physically, working out can help boost your mood, improve your energy levels and can particularly help tackle SAD (seasonal affective disorders) or “winter depression”.

So to make it easier for you to stay on top of your workout schedule and exercise through the winter months, we’ve put together three easy tips to stay motivated:

Make it easy for yourself! 

Try to plan ahead and it will be much easier to get out the door. Be it organising your schedule so you don't have excuses, getting your gym bag and workout clothes out the night before so you don't even have to think twice, or keeping a yoga mat and leggings at the office - planning ahead and making it easier for yourself to exercise can be the thing you need to commit on a day you feel like cancelling that spin class. 

Why not go one step further and preplan the workout as well? Or even better, choose sports or classes that you are actually looking forward to trying or participating in. Mix it up so you don’t get bored quickly (if you know you are prone to). Do what works for you and stay motivated!

Make the most of the sunlight

Yes it is getting dark earlier, so a post-work workout schedule can be a bit harder to adhere to. Instead why not try working out in the morning? You might find that doing so can help you to not only keep on top of your workout schedule, but also boost your mood and energy for the day ahead. And once mornings are also dark? Well there is always a lunch break! Take it as the perfect excuse to leave your desk and go for some fresh air and come back rested… but if that is not possible, another little tip is to turn on the lights the moment the alarm goes off, or if in your budget, invest in a wake up lamp (that is also meant to help with SAD).

Rope in a friend

You know what they say: teamwork makes the dream work! So sign up a family member or friend to join you in your runs, swims, gym visits or studio classes. You can help each other stay motivated and (bonus!) you get to have some social time with them that you might not have otherwise. It is also a lot harder to get out of a workout when you have someone waiting for you at your door or at the gym already!

So give these a try and keep your workout routine no matter the weather!

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