Yoga + hygge: how to make your practice happier this season

The days are getting shorter and, with the seasons changing, our daily activities are changing a little. Gone are the outdoor yoga sessions in the sun, and in comes cozy, wrapped up yoga season. This time of the year we feel happy to be wrapped up in a blanket, with a warm cup of tea, enjoying the comforts and softness of the wintery lifestyle.

But did you know you can add the same feels to your yoga practice? By adding a little hygge to your flow, you can explore a deeper level of relaxation, mindfulness and satisfaction that you might not even know existed. Ready to try it out? Let’s get comfy…

Firstly, what is HYGGE?

You probably might’ve heard about hygge (pronounced HOO-gah) a few years ago. It comes from the Danish way of life where comfort and warmth provide the feeling of happiness. The concept took the world by storm, and whilst it doesn't have a direct translation in English, the idea focuses on embracing the slower pace of life, and finding pleasure, happiness and enjoyment from the little things, belonging in the moment. Notice how easily it can tie in with yoga? 

How to make your practice more hygge

Remember every practice is different, your body and mind might need something different each day, so if you are looking for a energy booster and sweaty workout, it might be best to give this a pass. But if you are looking for a gentle yoga moment, taking a bit from hygge could help you experience something completely new.

Create a cosy environment

Hygge has a lot to do about your environment, warmth and comfort are key. That should be the first place where you start with your practice: focus on creating a cosy and rewarding spot. Light some candles, put on a diffuser with your favourite scent and start a calming playlist in the background. Wear comfortable clothes and even socks if it makes you feel more comfortable, you are looking for an outfit that will feel like a hug but will allow you to still move gently about.

Have the right equipment

This is so important! You dont want to worry about anything other than your own body’s movement. As with each practice, your mat needs might be different: you might want a little bit of sliding to move seamlessly from one asana to the next (if so, try our Pro mats), or you might want an ultra-grippy surface that almost sticks to you so you dont have to worry about slipping at all (if so try our Onyx mats). One thing we do recommend is that for gentler, less structured yoga practices you opt for a Round mat, as it allows you to move in any direction your body and mind want to move and create a sense of completeness.

Tailor your practice to suit your mood

If it is relaxing yoga you want, focus on breath work and poses that make you feel rested.

If it is more mood-based, why not try poses that inspire happiness and boost your mood

Or simply flow through your favourite poses and enjoy them!

Follow your mood and your body’s needs, and tailor your practice accordingly. But if you want a more hygge-derived practice, focus on moving slowly and enjoying every moment. Leave the bustle of daily life when you step onto your mat and for the length of your practice just focus on yourself and in the moment.

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