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Productivity Form Fitness Productivity Form Fitness

How to fall asleep in 120 seconds

This week we’re sharing a technique used by the US Military which, with practice, should allow you to fall asleep in under 2 minutes. The method was originally published in Relax and Win: Championship Performance and is reported to have been used successfully in the most inhospitable of sleeping locations, such as in warzones - so it should work in our cosy bed!

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Sustainability Form Fitness Sustainability Form Fitness

Where do we still have work to do on sustainability?

Previously we’ve talked about the sustainability aspects of our products and company before, from the recyclable/biodegradable materials and 200%+ carbon offsetting to eliminating plastic from our packaging. Today we’re going to talk about where we are not as sustainable as we’d like to be and where we still have work to do.

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Fitness Form Fitness Fitness Form Fitness

3 ways to speed up your metabolism

Metabolism simply refers to the rate at which our bodies turn food into energy - the faster we do this, the more efficient our bodies are at burning fat and maintaining our energy levels.

In this article we look at some life hacks to speed up your metabolism safely, without the use of potentially dangerous pills!

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Fitness Form Fitness Fitness Form Fitness

6 ways to recover from muscle soreness faster

Some people love the ache they get after an intense workout - it’s proof of the hard work they’ve put in, particularly on the second day! For most of us however, the quicker we can reduce the soreness the better so we can get straight back to the studio, running track or weights room sooner.

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Yoga Form Fitness Yoga Form Fitness

How to nail Crow Pose in 4 easy steps

Crow pose, or crane pose, is a fun advanced pose which is actually a lot easier than it looks! Arm balances have a number of benefits including boosting arm and core strength, improving focus and balance while toning the whole body. Plus, overcoming the fear of falling on your face is also said to help build confidence and self-awareness!

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Home yoga, Fitness Form Fitness Home yoga, Fitness Form Fitness

6 exercises to strengthen your core and protect from back pain

Working to strengthen your core can help reduce or entirely resolve back pain; and, even if you don't currently have back pain, it's advisable to work on your core regularly to protect yourself from back pain developing. Strong cores have a number of other benefits such as improved posture and better balance - very handy for tricky yoga poses!

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Home yoga Guest Author Home yoga Guest Author

5 Tips to teach yourself yoga

Building an at-home yoga practice can be a daunting task: Where do I start? What equipment do I need? I have never done yoga, can I even do this? These are some of the questions I get on a regular basis. Building my practice from nothing, I have gained useful insight into what methods are helpful in starting a home-based practice.

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Take A Breath

It’s just breathing, we do it every day! And yet, it’s something we can so often take for granted, so much so that we don’t even do it properly. With the world in a constant state of turmoil and the only known being the unknown, I wanted to share with you five breathing techniques (pranayama) to help you find some calmness in your day to day life.

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