Partner workouts to try with your loved one or bestie

Love is in the air, so why not add a bit of fun and companionship to your next yoga or workouts session? We’ve all heard phrases like “couples that workout together stay together”, but let's face it doesn't have to be your partner or significant other, it could be your best friend or family member. Working out in twos is always more fun and can actually help you with consistency and accountability but it doesnt stop there… 

These are some of the benefits of exercising in twos

  • Fun: Chatting to your friend or partner can help pass the time quicker but also make your workout more enjoyable. It provides you with a moment to catch up, have a laugh whilst encouraging each other and staying healthy. You are also able to try different exercises or sports (such as tennis) that require two people.

  • Bonding - not only are you less likely to get bored, but also exercising with a friend or loved one can deepen your relationship as you share more experiences and see each other more frequently.

  • Consistency and accountability - working out with a friend will help you stay motivated as you are also less prone to miss a workout (it is harder to get out of a workout if you have someone doing it with you). Plus a little competition can do wonders to your workouts.

  • Opportunity to open up - by working out with someone you can have a sounding board to any issues you might be experiencing in an informal environment that can help start difficult conversations. As you are focused on your workout, there is less pressure and therefore a better opportunity to bring up matters that you might think are uncomfortable to talk about.

So now that you know the benefits of working out with a partner, why not try these exercises out? Some of these exercises might require equipment (such as an elastic band or medicine ball) but bare in mind you are always able to swap them for something more readily available (such as a large tin of peas/bottle of water/wine or yoga strap)

“Tango” lunges with ball pass

  • Start facing each other, with a few feet in between you

  • The person holding the ball will then step their right foot forward to lunge, the person without the ball will mirror by moving their left foot backwards to do a reverse lunge

  • As you return to the standing position the person holding the ball passes it to the person in front. Who will then step forward with their right foot to lunge, and the person now not holding the ball reverse lunges with the left ball. 

  • Repeat 10 times, then swap legs, so the person going forwards uses their left leg and the person going back uses their right leg.

Sit up with ball pass

  • Both partners sit up each other on the floor with legs in front of them and knees bent, ankles overlapping. One of you holds a medicine ball.

  • Lie down on your back, the person holding a medicine ball will be holding it touching the floor overhead.

  • Simultaneously, both contract your abs to sit up and face each other. 

  • The person holding the ball passes (or lightly throws) it to the person in front, who will catch it in time for both of you to go back down, tapping the ball on the floor as they go down.

  • Repeat and continue for 10 reps

Back to back wall sits

  • Stand back-to-back, facing opposite ways with your backs supporting your bodies

  • Intertwine your arms together, then move your feet a step or two forwards

  • Slowly lower yourself to sit into a squat, with your knees bent 90 degrees, you might need to move your feet further forwards

  • Hold for 30 seconds (or whatever seems doable for you)*

  • To come out simply push your bodies against each other and bring your feet back to middle, push from your feet to stand straight

* coordination is key, if one of you leaves the pose before the other, you might both fall so make sure to communicate and set realistic goals for both

Reach and touch plank

  • Get into plank position facing each other, keep your legs slightly wider than your shoulders to allow for more balance

  • Slowly, whilst keeping your hips and shoulders balanced, lift your right hand to high five your partner in front of you - you want to be high fiving the same hand (so both right hand or left hand at the same time, i.e not mirror image)

  • Return to the plank position and repeat with your other hand.

*make it harder by going onto your elbows, slowing the movement down and lengthening the time of the exercise

Leg lifts/pushes

  • One of you lies down on your back, whilst the other stands at their head - so that the person on the floor, when reaching for their ears, can hold onto the standing person’s ankles.

  • The person on the floor lifts their legs straight* so they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor

  • The person standing will push the legs forward trying to make them touch the ground

  • The person on the floor will need to use their core strength to avoid the feet touching the ground, bringing them back up to 90 degrees

  • Repeat 10-15 times

  • Swap places and repeat

*You can bend your knees if it is more comfortable


Remember, stretching after a workout will help you cool down and also relax the muscles you’ve been using, helping avoid injury and sprains. Here are also a couple of stretches you can do in twos: 

Seated cat/cow

  • Sit in a cross legged position facing each other, 

  • Stretch your arms towards each other and hold onto each other’s elbows

  • On inhale, push your chest forwards and let your head hung back, filling your chest and arching your back slightly

  • On exhale, bring your chin to your chest, looking down and pushing your shoulders forward, you should feel your upper back relaxing

  • Repeat for 10 breaths

Partnered forward fold

  • Sit facing each other with your legs stretches out in V shape in front of you

  • Reach forward and hold hands (This might be enough of a stretch)

  • To deepen the stretch, pull your partner’s body towards you by moving your torso backwards, stay there for a couple of breaths then go back up and have your partner pull you forwards. 

  • Repeat a 4-6 times

Seated twist

  • Sit back-to-back with your partner, both in a cross legged position

  • On exhale, place your left hand on your partner’s right thigh or knee, and your own right hand on your left knee. Have your partner mirror you and place their left hand on your right thigh or knee and their right hand on their left knee.

  • Stay there for 5 breaths

  • Let go and repeat on the other side

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