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How to use the Form Grid

The Form grid was developed to aid your practice, using a series of lines to help align the body and intersections to improve consistency. Here we explain a bit more about how to use it and make it your own.

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6 exercises to strengthen your core and protect from back pain

Working to strengthen your core can help reduce or entirely resolve back pain; and, even if you don't currently have back pain, it's advisable to work on your core regularly to protect yourself from back pain developing. Strong cores have a number of other benefits such as improved posture and better balance - very handy for tricky yoga poses!

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5 Tips to teach yourself yoga

Building an at-home yoga practice can be a daunting task: Where do I start? What equipment do I need? I have never done yoga, can I even do this? These are some of the questions I get on a regular basis. Building my practice from nothing, I have gained useful insight into what methods are helpful in starting a home-based practice.

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Take A Breath

It’s just breathing, we do it every day! And yet, it’s something we can so often take for granted, so much so that we don’t even do it properly. With the world in a constant state of turmoil and the only known being the unknown, I wanted to share with you five breathing techniques (pranayama) to help you find some calmness in your day to day life.

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