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Yoga, Fitness Form Fitness Yoga, Fitness Form Fitness

The best yoga poses to try if you play sports

Whatever sport you play, from badminton to basketball, running to rollerblading, up your game on the court, track or field quicker with these poses for after a workout or to add to your home practice. And, even if you don't do the sport listed next to each of these exercises, they're still worth doing on a regular basis.

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Fitness Form Fitness Fitness Form Fitness

Our Favorite Workout Smoothie Recipes

One of the best fuels of choice today is the delicious smoothie. Packed with a mix of healthy protein and carbs, smoothies make an ideal pre or post-workout snack since they are portable, continuously customisable, help you hydrate, and provide a much needed boost without making you feel overly full.

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Yoga Nadine from Form Yoga Nadine from Form

4 yoga poses to make you feel more rested

Getting your body moving and energy flowing can have a huge impact on your energy levels and mental wellbeing. With this in mind, we’ve put together our favourite four yoga poses that can help you feel more rested after just a few minutes.

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Yoga Form Fitness Yoga Form Fitness

How to nail the Dancer pose: walkthrough for the classic pose

When you think of yoga poses, it is no surprise one of the first ones to pop into your mind (and instagram) is the Dancer pose. An aesthetically beautiful pose, also known as 'Lord of the Dance', it’s a fantastic workout helping to develop balance and lower body strength while stretching the shoulders and opening the chest.

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6 Stretches For Before & After Every Workout

Stretching before the workout prepares your body for the session and increases joint flexibility, helping you avoid injury. Meanwhile, stretching after decreases the risk of muscle fatigue and soreness, as well as increases blood flow and helps the cooling down process. So what kind of stretches should you do? Here are six of our favourites to get you started:

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